Fintech Automation Blog

AI & New Automations Coming Soon in Wealthbox!

ai financial advisors fintech general automation new feature wealthbox web-based apps Jul 26, 2024

By Anthony Schorling


On Friday, July 12th, Wealthbox hosted a webinar outlining some neat new features on the horizon using AI and automation. These new features include the ability to use AI to generate reports, an internal form builder that allows users to further customize workflows, the ability to send data to a variety of integration partners, and also offer suggested actions to you to provide a more fruitful Wealthbox experience. In many instances, these new features are intertwined with one another to make your Wealthbox usage even more streamlined.

These features are now available as part of an invite-only beta, but they'll be available to all users soon!

Internal Forms & New Workflow Actions

The internal form builder allows users to infuse key contact details directly into their workflows. This is very useful for when they have outreach-related tasks, such as calling or emailing a prospect to schedule a meeting. Instead of making multiple clicks to go back to their contact record and find their phone number or email address, the internal form builder can deliver the data directly to the task within the workflow.

The data may be infused in the form of a workflow action, such as "Call Prospect", where you can place a call directly from Wealthbox, and it will get redirected to your personal phone so you can speak to the prospect that way. This functionality also works similarly with emailing contacts, as you can click the "Email Contact" workflow action, which allows users to send emails directly from inside of Wealthbox.

So how do you add these actions and create an internal form?

First, you'll start by either creating a workflow or editing an existing one. Next to each workflow step, you'll see a new lightning bolt icon. This button allows you to add actions within that workflow step. Alongside the "Call Contact" and "Email Contact" actions, you'll also see two other options that you'll have at your disposal - "Update Contact Details", and "Send to...".

Choosing the "Update Contact Details" action will effectively take you inside Wealthbox's internal form builder. From here, users will have the ability to search for Wealthbox contact fields and add them to this action. Once you're satisfied with the choices made, you can finally label your action button to appear how you'd like within your workflows.

The "Send to..." action gives users the ability to send data directly to any application integration you've enabled that also supports send-to functionality. Wealthbox currently has direct integrations with 14 different apps that support send-to functionality, so you'll have a wide array of apps to choose from. Not to mention, there's likely more on the way considering the 100+ other apps with direct integrations already in their library!

Let's take Schwab for example - choosing it from the application list and saving your action will bring up an action button that says "Send to Schwab". Clicking on this button will bring up a confirmation box that outlines what data will be sent once you confirm. Having it at your disposal directly within the workflow will allow you to complete workflows and workflow tasks much quicker, and with far fewer clicks!

Finally, there's "Suggested Actions" - this feature will recommend outreach actions for you to take with a client based on the content within their workflow. Here's a good use case example:

If you were to create a one-off task to email a prospect who has an existing contact with an email attached, that contact would automatically be connected to the task, and a purple suggested action button to email that prospect would appear at the top of the task. With this feature, you wouldn't need to spend the time to either, A. create the action manually, or B. search for the contact info manually - it'll be at your fingertips as soon as you open the task!

AI & Report Creation

Reports are a great way for users to pull and analyze client data. They can provide amazing insight into things like sales details, statuses within the client lifecycle, and the segmentation of clients. But while having this data is both beneficial and important, it can be a bit time-consuming to sort through all of your available options and generate a report.

Now with the implementation of AI into reports, users can spend less time setting up the nuanced details and instead simply type a prompt, or use one of the provided suggestions. The AI can handle both simple requests, such as generating a report for anyone with a certain tag, or a more complex request, such as generating a report for overdue tasks assigned to a specific user while also grouping them by the priority of that task. Essentially anything that is quantifiable and tracked within Wealthbox can be taken into account with these reports and used to your advantage, so be sure to utilize it!


Wealthbox's new updates may be visually small within their platform, but make no mistake - they provide users with a major efficiency boost! You can now spend far less time trying to create the perfect report, far less clicks ensuring that you have the proper information you need to complete a task, and most importantly, far less stress and energy wasted on such simple tasks!

If you're interested in getting your hands on these features, be sure to sign up for Wealthbox's beta program at the bottom of this page. And of course, if you'd like to discuss potential Wealthbox automations for your business, you can use this link to book an intro call with us at Sphynx!

We'll have more automation and fin-tech related news for you in next month's edition of the Sphynx Automation blog series!

This blog is written by the Sphynx Automation team to help DIYers use web-based apps.

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